Friday, April 15, 2011

Insert Explitive Of Choice Here....

Well, what can I say?  My hip is XXXX killing me?  Back in September, I foolishly tried to make up for slacking in my half marathon training by running 9 miles after never running more than 6.  Later that day, my hip hurt with every step.  I have tried to run with pain on and off since.  I was taking two alieve pills each morning so I could run.  That was fine with just a little knee twinge now and then but didn't really compensate for whatever was wrong with my hip.  I didn't see a doctor about, or I did , I just got distracted by other problems that I thought was causing it.  The pain would radiate into lower abdominal area which felt like a pain in my ovary.  So I went to see my gyno because I really thought something was wrong with my lady parts.  He did an ultrasound and found something wrong with my other ovary and I had to have that removed.  Well, that set my exercise plan back enough that I thought I gave my self time to heal.  I started running only occasionally after the first of the year.  Lately I have been trying to run more and guess what's back?  Excrutiating hip pain that is radiating into my abdominal area again!!  So, instead of throughing years of medical science out the window and diagnosing myself by reading running blogs on the internet, I'm going next week for a full physical.  And my weight is up quite a bit because I have been 1. not exercising as intenly as I had been.  2. comforting myself with food and last but most important 3.  ignoring the problem.  Well, XXXX!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Regimen Defined

reg·i·men  (rj-mn, -mn)
1. Governmental rule or control.
2. The systematic procedure of a natural phenomenon or process.
a. A regulated system, as of diet, therapy, or exercise, intended to promote health or achieve another beneficial effect.
b. A course of intense physical training.

I was feeling quite the schlub this morning because I missed my morning workout.  I did not get to bed on time and as a result, slept in an extra hour.  Kicking myself for feeling like I would not be able to get in my whole 5 mile run that was on my training plan; I took a break mid morning and did a 20 minute speed walk around my office complex.  When my lunchtime workout came, I finished 3.2 miles in under 50 minutes.  Tacking on another power walk after work will get me those 5 needed miles. 

This got me thinking about what a disciplined plan to achieve a goal really requires.  What are the 'must-do' items that must be accomplished every day in order for me to attain my goals? 
1.  Get 7.5 - 8 hours sleep per night
2.  Drink water all day long - helps me stay hydrated and avoid unplanned snacking.
3.  Run the miles required of my training plan or cross train as scheduled
4.  Write down everything I eat
5.  Avoid fried and processed foods - save those cravings items for 'cheat' days

What's your regimen?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Burning Rubber

I did a training run Monday morning on the treadmill at home.  Our treadmill has been giving us trouble for a while.  It's fine as long as you don't try to adjust the incline.  It's stuck on a permanent 2% - which I think is actually 0 or 1.  If you mess with the incline button at all, it comes to an emergency stop.  You have to shut the power off and turn it back on in order to get out the error mode.  I was doing 1/2 mile walking, 1/2 mile running intervals.  A little past the 3.5 mile mark, I started noticing a burning rubber smell.  I checked my pace to make sure I wasn't shuffling, which can tend to cause that friction smell on some treadmill belts.  I carefully looked all around to make sure nothing was touching the belt. I couldn't see anyting but being the fool that I am, I didn't actually stop running and get off the treadmill and look all around it.  I decided to keep on running.  The smell stopped during the next walking interval.  I didn't notice it again when I started the next 1/2 mile.  Perhaps I was in such a zone, that I was literally burning rubber?  Or is it more likely, it's past time to start looking at a new treadmill?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hello World

I am Julie C, a short girl who is training to run a marathon and loves to write.  I am starting this blog because it seems a simple way to get some of my musings out there in the public to see if anyone cares.  Here goes...